
Read 'n' Seed 6: Final Review of "Smashed"

Overview of the entire book.
Smashed was a book about a girl's journey through her relationship with alcohol. It started with her first sip in her early teen years and continued on to well after she was out of college and she finally got to the point where she finally realized her drinking was out of control and her life was on a downward spiral. She quit drinking altogether and reflected upon the past eight or so years of her life. 
  Three most significant things.
1. Her own realization of the problem after years and years of excessive drinking was astonishing.
2. Her viewpoint throughout the entire book of what it was like to be in a sorority and to base your college life on the partying and drinking rather than grades and classes was crazy to me.
3. One of the most important points of the book I thought were how she went through friends like crazy when they had drinking in common. They would go through their lull together and then get in a huge drunken fight and just like that it would be over. It was weird to think she didn't have any stable friends.
  What does it mean to you? Why is it important?
Not only did this open my eyes to the things that could be going on around me in college and I am not even aware of, but this makes me a little bit worried about when I have my own kids. I don't imagine the drinking and partying part of college is really ever going to die down and I'm sure someday I will have to be on the parent end of the situation. To think of the things Koren's parents had to deal with after she had some hospital trips and stomach pumping incidents makes my stomach flip.
  Do you recommend this book? Why or why not?
I highly recommend this book, especially for those who have drank excessively in college. It fast forwards you to the time in your life where you will look back and wish you would have done it differently, without so much of the drinking. Maybe this book can help, or has helped, someone before it is too late.


Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 10: Overall Project Reflection

What was your SMART goal? Did it change at all during the project? 
My SMART goal was "I will take 3 minute showers, except on days when I shave, I will allow myself 7 minutes". I only edited this once towards the beginning, by making it shorter because it was too easy. 
What helped you be successful? What things got in your way? How can you address these in the future?
It helped me to have a timed cd or music source playing while I showered to measure my time accurately. That way if the song was coming to an end, I knew it was time to wrap it up. Since we live in a creaky, old Duluth house, sometimes the irregularity in the water temperature made showering in general difficult, but I worked through that. That is something Duluth renters will have to live with until the end of time. (ha) 
How did you benefit from this project? What did you learn about yourself? What did you learn about behavior change?
This goal turned into a habit for me. I learned that if I continue with something long enough it just becomes part of my life and I don't even need to think twice about it. I also recruited other people towards the end to try my lifestyle change as well. It was rewarding to see others taking the same initiative.
How did others and/or the environment benefit from you changing this behavior?
From shortening my shower time, I not only saved water but our utility bills went down. We saved money and less water was wasted. Success!

Will you continue this behavior? Why or why not?
I sure will! Since it became a habit, it won't be hard at all to keep it up and since it is so good for the environment and our checkbooks, I don't see why not.
What recommendations do you have for others about making a lifestyle change?
I would say make it achievable. If you know you can do it and you succeed, that is when you make it harder. If you make it part of your routine, that is when it will become a habit.

Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 10 by Amy@Eco-Chic With Amy 


Share and Voice: Take Action to Stop Global Warming

I wanted to find some ideas that we can all partake in for my last Share and Voice to fight global warming. The site I found, StopGlobalWarming.org: Take Action had some really good ideas that are easy to take up and can do a big part... Read on!

1. Use compact fluorescent bulbs
2. Inflate your tires
3. Change your air filter
4. Fill the dishwasher (i like this one!)
5. Use recycled paper
6. Adjust your thermostat
7. Check your water heater
8. Change the AC filter
9. Take shorter showers (yay me! my eco-chic lifestyle change)
10. Install a low-flow shower head
11. Buy products locally
12. Buy energy certificates
13. Buy minimally packaged goods
14. Buy a hybrid car (maybe in a couple years :) )
15. Buy a fuel efficient car
16. Carpool when you can
17. Don't idle in your car

18. Reduce garbage 
19. Plant a tree
20. Insulate your water heater
21. Replace old appliances
22. Weatherize your home
23. Use a push mower
24. Unplug un-used electronics
25. Put on a sweater
26. Insulate your home
27. Air dry your clothes
28. Switch to a tank-less water heater
29. Switch to double pane windows
30. Buy organic food
31. Bring cloth bags to the market
32. Buy the bracelet
33. Turn off your computer
34. Beat a meat reducer
35. Ditch the plastic!

Click on the website link to get more in-depth with each of these. Go Green!


Advocacy Project: Letter to Public Official

December 7, 2009
Senator Amy Klobuchar
United States Senate
302 Hart Senate Office Building
Washington, D.C. 20510-2304

Dear Senator Klobuchar:

Safe, clean drinking water in our communities is at risk. Factories and businesses in the Great Lakes area are dumping their wastes into our freshwater resources and putting the health and safety of our families and communities in jeopardy. I ask your vote for the bill H.R. 54: Great Lakes Water Protection Act.

This bill regulates the wastes being dumped into the Great Lakes and funds programs and activities to help keep this water safe. It in a sense watches over the people sampling and checking the water, and makes sure that they are doing the job properly.

I believe this bill is extremely important to the people of Minnesota and the surrounding areas of the Great Lakes. Our families and communities depend on safe drinking water as a part of our growth and development and if this is at risk, so are our families.

If this bill passes, it can ensure the survival and flourishing of our families in this area. It will allow up to continue to live and survive this region and not have to worry about the health or safety of each other in the community. Not only will this help the people of Minnesota, but in all of the Great Lakes communities. There are many states that rely on the Great Lakes for water, even parts of Canada.

You  may know Carl Levin, a US Senator from Michigan. Michigan is also very reliant on the Great Lakes for clean water and he has fought for many years in favor of the regulation of these lakes. Please join him in the fight.

I hope that i have gotten through to you how much keeping this water clean means to myself and my community. We are a few of many people in the Great Lakes area who depend on this water for our survival. Let me know if there is anything else I can do as an individual in my community to make this bill known and passed.

Thanks again for your time, I look forward to hearing back from you!


Melissa Herzig
(contact information)