
Final Reflection

Week 13
This week we took a tour of the local Goodwill! Not only was it interesting to see how they distribute all of the things people drop off there, but I learned that they employ mentally disabled people. I thought that was very cool. Paige and I brought snacks and we did an activity to find an outfit for an interview under $20. We completed our letters to our respective senators with mine being about the water quality for communities surrounding the Great Lakes. It also wrapped up our Eco-Chic Lifestyle Changes. It was fun to make those habits!

Week 14
This week we presented our junk projects... mine being a traveling storage case for your backpack or purse.

We also created an online learning activity for our group members to complete. Mine was designed to raise the awareness about water quality locally.

Learned about myself...
 In this course, I learned a great deal about myself. As I get older, I continue to become better at critically thinking. Each and every class period of this course helped me with this. I also learned that if I make something such as a lifestyle change part of my daily routine, it can become a habit before I know it.

Learned about the environment...
Although this course has opened my eyes to such new depths in this department, I still have trouble remembering that many others don't have the knowledge I do about environmentally friendly things and instead of categorizing them as ignorant I should just tell myself they need the proper education to behave the way I do in correspondence with the environment. I am continuing to work at this.

Learned about blogging...
I may continue to blog! I haven't decided yet if I will continue to be as constant about it, but I definitely think it is a great way to post things about myself and my feelings in regards to whichever topic I like. It is fun to have something like this that is a little different than other social networking sites, like Facebook. 

This course has been eye-opening. I recommend it to all Health Majors in the future and will remember the things I learned throughout my life. Happy Finals Week!    


Eye Opener: Online Learning Activities

Paige's E Health Blog- Concepts Relating to Obesity in America Learning Activity

This activity asked for us to read some links about obesity and answer questions about some of the statistics.

1.)  Obesity can cause ________________ referred to as high blood pressure and can harm the arteries.

2.)  ______________ are highest at risk for obesity.

3.)  _____ percent of children in the US are considered obese.

4.)  Obesity is a _______   ________ treament.

5.)  Obese children's __________________ skills are greatly hindered, mainly due to the disease.

6.)  _________   ___________ is positively correlated with the risk of becoming obese.

7.)  Increased consumption of ____________ foods have assisted to rise the trend of obesity.

1. Hypertension
2. Native Hawaiians
3. 33 %
4. life-long
5. socialization
6. socio-economic status
7. highly processed

Mal's Rain Forest- Relay for Life Learning Activity

This activity was to make sure we knew what Relay for Life was and how we could get involved.

3 Things I Learned...
1. has been up and running since 1985!
2. starts with a survivor's lap... VERY COOL.
3. they place bags with candles inside to remember those who have been lost to cancer

How to get involved in my area..   August 6-7, 2010 at Patton Park in Lake City, MN

I have actually participated in this event before and it was a great experience.


I know, how original, but I took a picture of my toothpaste. Although this was one of the only things I can think of, since I use it everyday it almost wouldn't seem right if this wasn't the object I picked. I use it at least twice a day and I get this certain kind because most Crest toothpastes give me canker sores.. bummer, I know. Without toothpaste? Oh man, I can't imagine what my teeth would look like, especially since I enjoy chocolate on occasion ;) If I found out there were deadly chemicals in it? Another toughie, since I really rely on toothpaste. I would have to say that I would try to find another brand then, because I can't see ever eliminating toothpaste from my life. 


Advocacy Project: Water Science

According to the Water Pollution Guide... Heavy metals from industrial processes can accumulate in nearby lakes and rivers. These are toxic to marine life such as fish and shellfish, and subsequently to the humans who eat them. Heavy metals can slow development; result in birth defects and some are carcinogenic.

The EPA estimates... drinking water systems will need to invest
$150 billion over a 20-year period to ensure
clean and safe drinking water.

The purpose of this activity is to raise your awareness about the real statistics of water use around the country. The following website allows you to submit your personal water use information and then shows you statistics from other people's personal water use around the country!

Since my project is centered around water quality, I wanted to show you how much we rely on clean drinking water and how hard it would be if somewhere like the Great Lakes became too polluted for us to use it as a water resource. Go to this questionnaire and complete each question. After you enter your information, look at what others contributed around the country. Some of the stats are a bit shocking! 

This next link I'm having you click on, is an opinion survey. This shows what our current water worries are. Complete this activity the same way and check to see what others answered around the country!
All of these activities are provided by the United States Geological Survey.

Click here to see the current water quality around the state of Minnesota.

Hopefully these activities and links have raised your awareness about how water is one of the most IMPORTANT resources. Keeping large fresh water resources like the Great Lakes and the Mississippi River clean and safe is something we shouldn't take lightly.
(Next time you are back in your hometown, see if they do any kind of water quality testing there. If they don't encourage them to start!)