Chapters & pages covered..
For the third quarter of my read n seed, I read the section of Smashed was titled 'Excess'. The chapters it covered were You're Pretty When I'm Drunk, Love in the Time of Liquor, and Beer Tears, pages 157-244.
Main topics...
The main topics that were covered in this section were generally about how alcohol was taking over her life. Her sorority threw parties at least twice a week, she continued to have come-and-go drinking friends, she experienced with boys she didn't know, had more black-outs, had more hangovers, fell in a sort of 'love' for the first time, and continued a state of depression.
New terminology presented...
Carousing : To engage in boisterous, drunken merrymaking
Soirees : a party of people assembled in the evening (usually at a private house)
Why we should care about it, and what should be done to address it...
Again, this pertains to us more than we know. Being surrounded by people that excessively drink (being on a college campus), puts us in a position to do something about binge drinking and depression. For many people the problem starts in college, and this book continues to give me a firsthand view from a person as they go through all the stages of it. I encourage everyone if they know someone that may be experiencing alcoholism or depression to seek help on how to deal with it or suggest the help to their friend. Here are some sites I found...
Have a good weekend!