
Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 6: Weekly Update

WeeK SiX.


My SMART goal for the past week of the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change project was:
I will take 3 minute showers on most days except for days where I shave, I will allow myself to have 7 minute showers.

Successes & Challenges

There were quite a few challenges this week. For one, I was on vacation in Arizona and California and since my mom paid for our resorts they were luxury suites with gorgeous showers and jacuzzis. I didn't bring my music with so not only would it have been hard for me to keep track of the time, I really didn't want to stress out about shower time while I was vacationing. And secondly, when using the jacuzzi, I wasn't sure how much water would correlate with a three minute shower.

I feel like since I have been doing so well the past couple of weeks, it wasn't extremely upsetting to me that I might have used a little more water this week. To counteract my slip of eco-chicness, I dedicated some photo taking to a share and voice idea I had while travelling... stay tuned!

What I Learned

I learned that there are obstacles that can present themselves that you don't even think about. I totally forgot about my eco-chic lifestyle change before I left and realized that many people who vacation or travel a lot probably forget to be eco-chic just like I did. I will definitely be more aware of the things I do on my next vacation to make up for the slips I had on this one!

Plans for Next Week

I am planning to get back on track this week. The weather warmed up a bit since I left, so keeping my showers to a 3 minute time should be sufficient for the week!

Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 6 hosted by Amy@Eco-Chic with Amy


  1. You're soo lucky you got to take a break from college for awhile!! Just use this week's downfalls for motivation for next week. Good luck!

  2. I look forward to seeing how you share your photos!

  3. I love cali! ohh it would be hard on shower time when you are in hotels and they have jacuzzis! Good luck next week!
