
Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 8: Weekly Update

What was your SMART goal?
My SMART goal was to take 3 minute showers everyday, except on shaving days where I would allow myself 7 minutes.

successes & challenges
This was again very easy for me. I had my usual routine and wasn't faced with many challenges. The only problem I had was that my CD player was moved out of the bathroom by someone and I was forced to sort of self-time myself. Since I have been doing this lifestyle change fairly regularly now, it wasn't very hard to guess approximately how many minutes I had. I also see this week as a huge success in another aspect, because I have told so many of my friends now that I notice people telling me about how they are trying it. 

I am sooooooooooooo EXCITED I influenced people enough that they wanted to be a part of an eco-chic lifestyle change. Yay!

What I learned..
I learned that even though changes like this may get boring, you can always invite others along on your change to keep it fun and worthwhile. Knowing that I am causing others to be more eco-friendly is enough to make me feel guilty if I don't keep mine up.  

plans for next week.. 
Next week.. I am going to maintain my success. I am going to challenge my friends to a shortest shower contest. I want to see how short we can make them while still getting clean :)


  1. How ironic... my volleyball team just did this goal (fastest showers) this past weekend...
    There was only so much water that was in the tank out at one of the girls cabins so we needed to clean QUICK!~
    Happy Thanksgiving

  2. Very cool on how others want to cut shower time and use less water!
