
Reflection: Weeks 5 & 6

For week 5, we watched a video called the Future of Food. It was very interesting to learn about how food is actually processed and the positives to eating organically. We also did an eye-opener that related to that and Pam and Jordanne brought apples with peanut butter and nutella for our snack time. I also got farther into my book, "Smashed", and continue to learn more blogging shortcuts.

In week 6, we watched Diet for a New America and learned how to create graphical headers for our blogs. Abby and Hailey brought apples with caramel for snack time. We are into our third week of our eco-chic lifestyle changes and I am trying new things to keep my short shower times from being so hard. I figured out how to join the Linky parties, i was struggling with those but managed to figure that out easily this time.

Learned about myself & blogging...
In weeks 5 & 6, I learned that the more time I put into blogging, the more I get out of it. I was pretty frustrated at first since I really hadn't blogged much before and I wanted to do all the cool features of it but couldn't figure out how. Now I just google anything I want to know, and wha-la.. I have discovered the world of blogs.

Learned about the environment...
I learned that even though I am doing an eco-chic lifestyle change, there are so many people around me not being environmentally friendly. I have taken it upon myself to say things to anyone I see that isn't doing their part and in the end I hope it makes everyone around me be eco-chic too. The environment will continue to change for the worse unless we are proactive.

As we are nearing the halfway point, I feel like my eyes have been opened to this whole new aspect of life that deals with the environment. I am so much more accountable for my actions when it comes to 'eco-chic-ness' and I like doing something positive while I'm in college and for my life after. Live green!


Share & Voice: Monster Dash 10-mile


Hi everyone!
Next weekend I am participating in my second 10-mile race of October. It is called the Monster Dash and the course winds around the beautiful Lake Harriet. Now to a lot of people 10 miles seems like an absolute CRAZY length to run, let alone walk, but I beg of you to open your mind to the idea. 

In high school, I used to think 'running for fun' (cross country) was absurd. These people want to run miles upon miles after school everyday.. and then a couple times a week race people from other towns at these distances?? They are nuts!! As I travelled off to college and explored new options for exercise, running kept coming to mind. For me it is something that not only keeps me in the best shape, but it is a great stress reliever. I just don't seem to get the same benefits from using the elliptical or stair stepper. 

What is nice about the Monster Dash (or really any race put on) is that they offer different distances so that the participants are anywhere from beginning runners to experienced runners who want to challenge themselves. For my first 'longer' distance run, I chose to do 10 miles because I could easily run 4 or 5 so that was an attainable goal for me while still having to challenge myself. 

Not only is running good to get into for the health benefits, but the cardio endurance you build up allows you to do more things throughout your day without fatiguing as easy. A lot of people prefer to walk or jog over taking their car and that is how I like that running ties in with maintaining our environment. I encourage everyone to just get out there for a walk if you are really anti-running. Leave the car at home, your heart and the environment will thank you!


Share & Voice: Are flat-screen TVs power hogs? Calif. weighs

Check out this article!


California is contemplating passing a law about flat-screen televisions. Some people say this will be great for the environment and force all the big manufacturers to maintain an eco-friendly environment while producing these energy sucking appliances. And as you would guess, they are retaliating. Televisions are a HUGE part of their business and by forcing them to regulate their tvs and make them more eco-friendly, the prices may go up and the consumers may cut back on their purchasing of them. So my question to you after reading this article is, do you think this is a needed regulation on the production of TVs and other appliances?

Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 3: Weekly Update


Not only is it getting difficult to take short showers but the temperature is starting to drop and it is harder to get up in the mornings knowing I have to take a short shower. I used to really rely on my showers to wake me up but now I struggle to get out of bed to make it to class in time!

I have to keep reminding myself that this change is for a good reason, I am helping our environment. When I sit back and think of that, it is usually enough to get me going and keep me maintaining my choice. I notice that many things I do now directly reflect my thoughts on saving the environment and I am trying to get as many people around me to add this to their everyday lifestyle as well.

I find that if i change the song that I play while I'm in the shower, it adds a little bit of excitement than having the same song playing every time. I also bought a new razor with different changeable colored tops to keep shaving my legs exciting, which can get pretty bland after 10 years of it.

I plan to keep up my shower length SMART goal. It is a good challenge for me and when we get our utilities bill, I am excited to see if there are any noticeable changes yet from just the few things we have started doing around the house to conserve our resources. Bring on week 4!

Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 3 hosted by Amy@Eco-Chic with Amy