
Share & Voice: Are flat-screen TVs power hogs? Calif. weighs

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California is contemplating passing a law about flat-screen televisions. Some people say this will be great for the environment and force all the big manufacturers to maintain an eco-friendly environment while producing these energy sucking appliances. And as you would guess, they are retaliating. Televisions are a HUGE part of their business and by forcing them to regulate their tvs and make them more eco-friendly, the prices may go up and the consumers may cut back on their purchasing of them. So my question to you after reading this article is, do you think this is a needed regulation on the production of TVs and other appliances?


  1. I think that this would be a great product if they learned how to manufacture new TVs and other appliances. And I wouldn't be surprised if the cost for the eco-friendly appliances went up, everything good is always more expensive!!

  2. After reading the article and your post, it seems as if they are using the same arguments that the auto or any other industry would use. Industry leaders use cost and hampering of innovation as reasons not to do a lot of things. Those arguments seem short-sighted and irresponsible given the state of our environment.

  3. I agree with Dr. V. I a lot of the time it's not the money thats the issue its the time and big consumers want their product out to make money not to be more eco-friendly.

  4. The thought never even crossed my mind that these flat screen TVs take up so much energy, and on the downside every house I go to these days has one! I feel that it is important to make electronics eco-friendly, just as anything else that has been "going green". The cost will rise, but as the awareness gets out there and people are know of the option, more will be consumed resulting in lowered prices.
