
Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 4: Weekly Update

wEEk 4.

What was your SMART goal?
     My SMART goal was to limit my shower time to 3 minutes on non-shave days, and 6-7 minutes on shave days.

     Well, as gross at it may sound.. I have limited my showering to once a day or once every two days and stayed within my time limits. I am getting used to the length and it isn't as hard anymore to get in, get clean, and get out.

    I think a constant challenge until the end of all this is the self-discipline it takes to keep myself honest about how long I am in there. Remembering the environment helps me to do so.

What I learned...
   I continue to learn other ways to be aware of our environment. Each time we have class it opens my eyes to a whole new perspective and another angle at which I have not yet seen. I like that.

Next week: In the following week, I will continue to maintain my short shower times and limiting the amount of times I take showers to the maximum of one a day. I will still listen to different songs to keep showering for that short of a time a little bit fun, and as I mentioned already, I will remember the environment through my struggles! 

Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 4 hosted by Amy@Eco-Chic with Amy


  1. Sounds like you are doing a really good job! I wish I could cut down on shower time more, I am a swim instructor so I am always showering after I am in the pool so thats almost 2 showers a day...I need to work on that...Keep up the good work!

  2. It's soooo true! Once you constantly do something the easier it gets.
    I'm glad you're doing better on your goal. I completely understand how hard it is to cut back. I LOVE THE SHOWER.... it's my favorite relaxation method.

  3. Great to hear that it is not such a challenge anymore, that shows that you have basically managed this lifestyle change!
