
Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 9: Weekly Update


My SMART goal for the past week of the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change was:
"I will take 3 minute showers unless it is a shaving day, in which case I will allow myself 7 minutes."
Successes & Challenges  
This week was another success. I wanted to round out my Lifestyle Change with a 100% success rate this last week, so I even limited my shaving to once! That was probably the biggest challenge, or so my boyfriend would say. Haha.

I felt like this is so easy now I look for other ways I can continue this eco-chicness throughout my life. The many ways consist of re-usable bags, glass water bottle, organic vegetables, and recycling. Now since we have learned about upcycling also, I am trying to work this into my life.

What I Learned
I learned that lifestyle changes are just that, lifestyle changes. You have to make it a part of your everyday routine in order for it to actually feel like an accomplishment and to really help your environment. We all need to remember in whatever we do, the environment allows us to do those things, so protect it!

Plans for Next Week/Life!

I will be keeping up this change for as long as I can possibly go without harming myself or anyone around me. Success!

Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 9 hosted by Amy@Eco-Chic with Amy


  1. I like the new post colors.. the pink "I will be keeping up.." is really a stand out read!!
    I think we'll all be able to hopefully continue new changes now that we know how to make things stick!

  2. Awesome job with keeping up with your SMART goal! haha I shave probably once a week, and my boyfriend loves it...haha just kidding, he hates it :)
