
Share & Voice: Environmental Health: How to Cut Household Water Usage

This video is a direct correlation to environmental health AND to my SMART goal!!! I was excited when I found this because I am trying to conserve water when I shower. The man in this video is very informative and brought up some good points about ways you don't even think of to conserve water.

For example:
  1. Landscaping (don't leave the water running)
  2. Washing machine (running it less)
  3. Shorter showers (he made fun of this, but I honestly think this is the biggest waste of water that we all do on a daily basis, and yes, it DOES make a difference!)


  1. That is great you found a voice and share that is related to your lifestyle change!

  2. Wow I actually didn't know that energy star meant that it not only saved energy but also water. Cool little tip of the trade to remember once I get to the ripe ol' age of being responsible enough to buy my own washing machine.

  3. People who take pride in their lawns and water them all day bug me soo much! We have rain for a reason and if we don't have any well, then are grass is brown, its life! Its the worse when they put in automatic sprinklers...why?
