
Eye Opener: CSPI

I chose to tour the food supply.  Some interesting facts that I learned:

1. Slaughterhouse workers have an injury rate three times higher than that of an average factory worker. (Wow!)
2. About 1,000 people die per year due to food-borne illnesses.
3. Less than one-quarter of all adults eat the recommended daily servings of fruits and vegetables.
4. Livestock are often fed newspapers, sewage, and other trash. (Yuck!)
5. Livestock manure pollutes waterways.
6. Fertilizer factories pollute the air with acids, ammonia, and various greenhouse gases. (Global warming??!!)
7. Pumping water for irrigation depletes natural aquifers produced over the millenia.
8. Pesticides that kill weeds may also kill beneficial insects and plants.

I had some idea about these statistics, but again, had no idea the magnitude of it all. Livestock are fed sewage and other trash? Are you kidding? They are living things, why on earth are they eating sewage?

They are a food source for us. If they eat sewage we eat sewage. There's some food for thought.. no pun intended.

I was also a little disturbed to learn about the death-rates at slaughterhouses. It kind of makes you wonder how many body parts are processed into your meats...

Definitely an eye-opener! I continue to learn things about our world that just shock me... tbc.


  1. Sick! I cannot believe they are eating sewage and trash... what the heck... shouldn't they be eating healthy green grass and grains since eventually we end up eating them?!~ Nasty.. that really makes me think twice about my beef!

  2. The first seven things about slaughter houses and food chain makes me cringe!
