
Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 5: Weekly Update

SMART GOAL. 3 minute showers. 7 minutes if i have to shave.

Successes & Challenges. I feel that this week was a pretty big success. I stayed well within my range and I managed to make my 'shaving' showers around five minutes.

Feelings. I am very happy about this week. I definitely have improved and it just seems to get easier and easier. I hardly even think about it anymore!
What i learned. I learned that the more you make something a habit, the easier it is to do. I will certainly be keeping this after this class is over.

Plans for next week. I am going to try to shorten them a little bit more even. I figure if it is this easy to keep them short, why not challenge myself a little bit more.

Blogged for the Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 5 hosted by Amy@Eco-Chic with Amy


  1. Good luck with trying to make your showers even shorter!

  2. It's so much easier now to actually DO our smart goals!
    Goodluck trying to cut your time down even more..
    It gets challenging the colder it gets... more power to ya!
