
Share & Voice: The 10 Healthiest Cities for Women

...click on the links to discover more about each city.

 According to MSNBC.com, this is the 10 healthiest cities for women in 2009.
"Women everywhere are making healthy changes. Now we’ve found the people doing it best: With the help of an expert panel and BestPlaces.net, we crunched 7,700 bits of data from 100 metro areas to find the 10 top spots for women. Not lucky enough to live in one? We asked gals in bottom-ranked cities to share how they create the good life absolutely anywhere. Because change happens one smart woman at a time." -SELF magazine

Would you ever move to any of these.. or visit? Have you already been to any of these cities? What do you think?


  1. WHOA!
    I love this post. I never would've assume (but should've) that this study would be done. I think it's extremely interesting and very cool that you found this topic.
    Number one --> I've only ever been to Madison, WI and I didn't think it seemed that amazing. However, after clicking on their towns webpage it really seemed they were pushing for green community!
    Number two--> anyone who lives in Honolulu, Hawaii better be happy. I'm SUPER jealous of them.... if the property tax and plane rides out there didn't cost so much I SO WOULD! :)

  2. I love reading about the best cities to live that are healthy! I am glad that madison, wi was on there! I love madison!

  3. This post is so cool, good job!! I always thought that Wisconsin was one of the least healthy states, but I guess this proves me wrong. I like that I could actually click on the states and read a bit of information about them.
