
Eco-Chic Lifestyle Change Week 1: My SMART Goal

My SMART lifestyle change is going to be to decrease my shower time to 5 minutes.

Specific: 5 minute shower time.
Measurable: I'm going to set an alarm on my phone, or find a five minute song so that I know when the time is up.
Attainable: This goal isn't unachievable, it will just require me to be faster in the shower.
Realistic: A shower time of 5 minutes is very realistic, you can even shave in that time.
Timely: I can change this part of my life immediately because I shower daily. :)

This lifestyle change is eco-chic because it is using less water. The more you shorten your shower, the less water you are wasting.

I chose this activity because it is something I really wish to improve on. It bothers me when people are in the shower for a half hour and they just stood there and wasted all that water. There are so many people that live day to day without clean drinking water and they just let clean water run down the drain like it's nothing.

This morning I actually started my change, but not by choice. Someone in the lower level of my house turned on the shower and made mine cold so it was all of two minutes long. Nice way to start out my goal!


  1. This is a great goal. One of my roommates seriously takes a 25 minutes shower everyday and I always think how much water that adds up to be a year. Good luck!

  2. Thats awesome you can shower and do everything in 5 mins! I wish I could do that. I feel that cutting down on shower time is going to save your water bill but also our water resources! I just love hot showers on cold days, and I know that I probably sit in there for 20 mins, which I am going to work on! Good Luck with your lifestyle change!

  3. I think the showering idea is such a good plan! It'll really cut back on costs! GOODLUCK
