
Eye Opener: Ecological Footprint

I would have to say I'm a bit shocked after taking a few quizzes about my ecological footprint. I didn't necessarily think I was a very 'green' person, but I certainly didn't know I was this bad. According to The Center for Sustainable Economy it would take 6.26 earths for everyone to live my lifestyle and according to The Transport Impact Center my total annual pollution from road transport is worse than average. The average is 1.26 tonnes, and my average was 4.63 tonnes. That is around 3 times the average.
It sure makes me re-evaluate my lifestyle. It makes me want to unplug things when I'm not using them and take my bike to school. It makes me want to use an aluminum water bottle and air dry my clothes. Just those little things could improve my carbon footprint.
Another website, The EarthDay Footprint Calculator says it would take 5.8 earths for everyone to live my lifestyle. Many sites, but the results are similar. I need to change the way I live. My eyes are definitely opened.


  1. HOLY 6 planet earths! Yikes!! Good thing we're starting our eco-chic lifestyle project soon, maybe we can start lowering our number of earths...... MAYBE :)

  2. I felt the same way after taking that test! I'm hoping I can change my ways throughout this course to make it a greener place.

  3. Good idea about drying your clothes like on a drying rack (air drying) rather then using the dryer. I do try to use the drying rack more, so that is one step closer to using less earths!
